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Notice for Graduation Ceremony

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.02.17 15:12 조회253

Congratulations upon your academic achievements and honorable graduation from Chonnam National University. For the prevention of Novel Coronavirus, commencement ceremony originally scheduled for 26th Feb, 2020 has been cancelled.  

For the prevention of the further spread of Novel Coronavirus, we ask for your full cooperation. 

Please read the following information regarding the commencement ceremony.

We do not distribute the gown to minimize the risk of infection due to the use of a common gown. Moreover, we withdraw the plan for installing the photo zone as the cuurent situation of the New Coronavirus(COVID-19) changes every day.

1. Gown Pick Up and Return 

- Period: Monday, 24 February - Friday, 28 February 2020

- Location: office of each department  

2. Diploma Distribution 

Diplomas for Master's and Doctoral students will be distributed where the gowns distributed around the same time. (Students must bring their ID card if a third party is picking up the diploma. In case, international student who already returned to home country.) 

3. Important Notice 

- The degree conferment ceremony will not be held in February 2020, but the photo zone will be set up on 24 February to 28 February so that any graduates can take pictures.

- Photo zones

  a. Gwangju Campus: Clock Tower(engineering college), College of Agriculture and life Sciences 1, Law School, College of Humanities 1, East Gate(back gate), Hakdong Campus

  b. Yeosu Campus: Central Library, Natural Science Building

- Commencement ceremony for Doctoral students could be proceeded with commencement ceremony for August. (2020.08.26. (Wed))


It is regrettable as the ceremony is canceled but we do hope your understanding and full cooperation for the prevention of the further spread of Novel Coronavirus.


February, 2020  

Graduate school of Chonnam National University