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Graduate School


Yong Bong Campus

Yong Bong Campus

전남대학교 캠퍼스 안내도
Yong Bong Campus
No. Contents No. Contents
A12 Agribusiness Incubation Center A17 Experimental Animal House
A13 Agro-Bio Industry Technical Support Center C07 Industry-Academic Cooperation Center 1
A18 Animal Hospital B24 Industry-Academic Cooperation Center 2
C10 Automotive Engineering Building B23 Industry-Academic Cooperation Center 3
D10 Basic Science Specialization Building B06 Jinli Building
E09 Bongji D15 Korea Basic Science Institute
D11 Center For Research Facilities D01 Korea Dinosaur Research Center
A19 CNU High School B13 Language Education Center 1
A21 CNU High School Residence Hall B14 Language Education Center 2
A22 CNU High School Sports Center A01 Law School 1
A20 CNU Middle School A03 Law School 2
B04 College of Administration 1 B10 Library Annex
B05 College of Administration 2 B11 Library Reading Room
A09 College of Agriculture and life Sciences 1 E01 Main Gate
A07 College of Agriculture and life Sciences 2 B02 Main Library
A06 College of Agriculture and life Sciences 3 C09 Mechanical Engineering Research Building
A08 College of Agriculture and life Sciences 4 E07 North Gate
A14 College of Agriculture and life Sciences 5 C06 Power Plant
B17 College of Arts 1 A02 Prime Hall
B19 College of Arts 2 B15 Reserve Officers Training Corps
B20 College of Arts 3 C03 Residence & Facilities Management
B09 College of Education 1 C01 Residence Hall 3
B16 College of Education 2 C02 Residence Hall 4
B18 College of AI convergence C04 Residence Hall 5
C17 College of Education 4 C05 Residence Hall 6
D05 College of Education 5 A11 Residence Hall 7
C12 College of Engineering 2 A10 Residence Hall 8
C15 College of Engineering 3 B21 Residence Hall 9
C13 College of Engineering 4 D02 School of Dentistry Basic Dental Education Building
C16 College of Engineering 5 A23 School of Dentistry Clinical Dental Education Building
C11 College of Engineering 6 B22 Sculpture Building
C14 College of Engineering 7 A05 Social Sciences
D04 College of Human Ecology E02 Sports Ground 1
B07 College of Humanities 1 E04 Sports Ground 2
B08 College of Humanities 2 D06 Sprots Center
B03 College of Humanities 3 D20 Student Union 1
D14 College of Natural Sciences 1 A04 Student Union 2
D13 College of Natural Sciences 2 E03 Tennis court 1
D12 College of Natural Sciences 3 E08 Tennis court 2
D16 College of Natural Sciences 4 E10 Tennis court 3
D09 College of Pharmacy 1 D18 University Administration
D08 College of Pharmacy 2 D19 University Auditorium
A16 College of Veterinary Medicine 1 B12 University Computing Center
A15 College of Veterinary Medicine 2 D07 University Museum
D03 Daycare Center E11 West Gate
E06 East Gate B01 Yongbong Building
C08 Engine Test Laboratories E05 Yongji
A24 Enviroment Agriculture Laboratory D17 Yongji Hall
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