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Non-face-to-face Online Courses(home classes) for the first two weeks in Spring 2020

작성자인재양성실 작성일2020.03.06 09:53 조회211

Chonnam National University has decided to implement two weeks of online lectures and home classes starting on March 16.

𐤟 Commencement of classes: March 16th, 2020

𐤟 Non-face-to-face Online classes: March 16th March 27th, 2020

𐤟 Start date of face-to-face classes: March 30th, 2020

* CNU is working on preparing follow-up measures for the online course weeks, and relevant notices will be announced on the website shortly. Please wait for the guide.  

* For classes that are hard to conduct online such as practical work, there will be an intensive supplementary class offered starting in April.

March, 2020  

Graduate school of Chonnam National University