학내 연구원의 연구역량 강화를 위한 국제저널 논문작성법 e-Learning 과정을 2024학년도에도
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*2024년 신규 출시강좌 "Writing a Research Paper:2nd Edition" 를 통해 보다 심층적인 최신 연구 논문 작성 기술을 습득할 수 있습니다.
○ 운영일정:
'24년 2월 24일 (금) ~ '25년 2월 23일 (금) 1년간 상시 수강 가능
○ 운영대상: 학내 학문후속세대 (대학원생, 신진연구인력), 교수, 교직원 등 전남대학교 구성원
○ 운영내용
- 전남대 소속으로 등록 완료시 Nature에서 운영하는 Nature Masterclass Online 과정 제공 (
https://masterclasses.nature.com )
- 10~15분의 짧은 수업으로 구성되어 있어 바쁜 연구자들도 쉽게 수강 가능
- 논문작성 초보부터 논문 경험이 많은 연구자까지 다양한 대상으로 강의 제공
- 영어자막 및 대본 제공
○ 신청방법
① 접속 URL :
② 소속 (Your institution) : " Chonnam National University " 선택 (필수)
③ 이메일 (email address) : 전남대 도메인 (
@jnu.ac.kr 또는
@chonnam.ac.kr ) 이메일 주소로 등록 (필수)
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※ 전남대 이메일 계정이 없는 구성원은 전남대 포털 로그인하여 메일 계정 신청 후 등록 진행
- 학생 : 포털 메인 하단 "학생메일" / 교직원 : 포털 "메일" 또는 "Outlook"
○ How to register
① Go to this link: https://masterclasses.nature.com/register
② Your institution : Choose " Chonnam National University " (Required)
③ Email address : Register using your CNU email domain ( @jnu.ac.kr or @chonnam.ac.kr ) (Required)
④ Confirmation email will be sent through email. Please click "Confirm registration now" to complete the registration.
※ The affiliation is automatically verified with Chonnam National University domain email, so approval cannot be made when using other email domain.
※ Those who do not have a CNU email can log into the Chonnam National University portal, apply for an email account and proceed with registration.
- For student: CNU portal main page "student mail"
- For faculty or staff members: Portal "Mail" or "Outlook"
○ 수강혜택
- 전남대 이메일으로 1회 등록시 '25년 2월 23일까지 최대 1년간 PC 또는 모바일을 통해 상시 수강 가능
- Nature Masterclass Online 이수증 발급 가능
○ 주요 컨텐츠 및 추천 과정 소개
Writing a Research Paper:2nd Edition *2024년 신규 출시강좌
“연구논문 작성법 : 2nd edition” (
Writing a Research Paper: 2nd Edition course | Nature Masterclasses )
What you'll learn
> 효과적인 연구 논문을 만드는 요소 이해
> Nature에 게재된 논문의 바람직한 구조에 대한 인사이트 얻기
> 내러티브 도구와 이를 과학적 글쓰기에 적용하는 방법 활용하기
> 과학적 글쓰기 스타일의 원칙 마스터하기
> 연구 논문을 섹션별로 작성하기
> 효과적인 제목과 초록 작성하기
> 제출할 연구 논문 마무리하기
Scientific Writing and Publishing
· 연구논문 작성법과 출판 방법 (
Scientific Writing & Publishing course | Nature Masterclasses )
Effective Collaboration in Research
· 공동 프로젝트 참여 및 협업 프로젝트 진행에 대한 가이드라인 제공 (
Introduction to collaboration | Nature Masterclasses )
Managing Research Data
· 데이터 관리 기술이나 데이터 관리 멘토링에 대한 가이드라인 제공 (
Managing Research Data | Nature Masterclasses )
Persuasive Grant Writing
· Narrative tools을 사용하여 설득력있게 신청서 작성하는 방법 (
Persuasive Grant Writing | Nature Masterclasses )
Narrative Toos for Researchers
· Narrative tools을 사용하여 연구스토리 전달하고 동료와의 커뮤니케이션 향상 방법 (
Narrative tools for researchers | Nature Masterclasses )
○ 전남대 도메인 이메일 계정 신청 방법
- https://portal.jnu.ac.kr 로그인 후 이메일 계정 신청
학 생 |
교직원 |
○ 전체 과정 소개
Course blurbs
ᄋ Narrative Tools for Research
This 3-module course is designed to enhance your communication to peers by exploring the use of narrative tools to tell your research story. The course helps you to understand the benefits of using narrative tools to communicate your research more effectively, and provides you with the skills to build a refined and compelling research story.
ᄋ Managing Research Data to Unlock its Potential
This course consists of 4 modules, with 4-5 hours of learning, all split into bitesize 15-minute lessons. It is designed to develop your data management skills and helps you to understand the benefits of using research data effectively. Throughout the duration of the course you will learn how to create and maintain a data management plan, explore best practices for organising and storing your data, and evaluate the different options for sharing research data.
ᄋ Effective Collaboration in Research
This course has been developed for researchers looking to participate in or set up and lead collaborative projects. Taught across 3 parts, with 8 hours of learning, this course helps you to understand the benefits and challenges of collaborative research. The course teaches you key collaborative skills, how to initiate and run successful collaboration and how to maximise your projects.
ᄋ Scientific Writing and Publishing
This 3-part course is delivered across 11 hours, split into 10-minute bitesize lessons which means you can dip in and out of modules at your convenience. The course is designed for both those who are new to publishing and those wishing to refresh their skills. Throughout the course you will develop your writing skills and confidence writing for journals, gain an understanding of the editorial process and what editors are looking for and learn best practices for submitting a paper and peer review.
ᄋ Focus on Peer Review
This course is designed for those new to peer review or those looking to refresh their skills. Taught across 3-4 hours in 10-minute lessons, the course will help you to understand the importance and responsibilities of peer reviews. You will learn how to prepare a peer review reports and discuss ethics and innovations in peer review.
ᄋ Persuasive Grant Writing
This course consists of 3 modules, with 3.5 hours of learning, all split into bitesize 15-minute lessons. It provides a deep-dive into how the application of storytelling principles can yield an advantage for you when writing grant applications. Throughout the duration of the course you will learn how to use narrative tools when writing your grant proposal to make it more informative and persuasive.
ᄋ Networking for Researchers
This course has been developed for researchers looking to improve their networking skills. Taught across 3 parts, with 4 hours of learning, this course helps you to understand how to build stronger relationships within the research community both online and in person. The course teaches you strategies for leveraging your network in order to advance your research or career.
ᄋ Advancing your Scientific Presentations
The course is to provide you with practical skills to build a compelling slide deck and deliver a successful presentation of your findings, in person and virtually, to your peers. Throughout the course you will explore the strategies that can help to overcome challenges researchers commonly experience when creating and delivering oral presentations.
ᄋ Data Analysis: Planning and Preparation
This course provides insight and skills to create a successful data analysis plan. Working through all the important stages from preparation to completion and analysis, you will learn processes, key terms and planning skills. There are 2 modules and 3-4 hours of learning taught in 20 minute lessons.
ᄋ Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting
The course was developed in collaboration with 10 experts in data analysis including experienced statisticians and data scientists, journal editors and early career researchers. You will learn in 3 modules how to develop your data analysis skills, or mentor others through the process.
ᄋ Interpreting Scientific Results
The course was developed in collaboration with a team of 5 international experts in interpreting results, including a Nature Portfolio journal Editor and experienced researchers, statisticians and data scientists. Researchers learn in 12 online lessons how to interpret their scientific findings with more confidence, or mentor others through the process. The modules contain bite-size lessons to provide an accessible, dip in and out format for busy researchers.
ᄋ Finding Funding Opportunities
The course was developed in collaboration with a team of 5 experts in obtaining research funding including a former program director at a major funder, experienced researchers and a research management consultant. Researchers learn in 8 online lessons how to search, prioritise and select funding opportunities that match their needs, or mentor others through the process.
ᄋ Experiments: From Idea to Design
The course was developed in collaboration with a team of 9 experts in experimental design including experienced researchers and Nature Portfolio Journal Editors. Researchers learn in 4 modules how to develop their experimental design skills, select the precise methods and protocols they need to make use of their experimental design.
- 붙임 -
1. 국제저널 이러닝과정 등록방법 안내.pdf
2. 이러닝 추천 코스 안내.pdf
3. Nature Masterclasses_Subsciption Announcement.docx