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GradGrow (비교과)


프로그램명 Mind-care 외국인 대학원생 개인심리상담 지원: Individual psychological counseling for international graduate students
일정 2022-11-21 (월)09:00 ~2023-02-17 (금)09:00 장소 비대면/대면 정원 8
신청기간 2022-10-27 (목)09:00 ~2022-11-11 (금)09:00 문의처 062-530-5923

Individual psychological counseling for international graduate students
Chonnam National University Graduate School conducts Individual psychological counseling for international graduate students to adapt to school life. If you are in a psychological difficulty that is hard to solve alone during your abroad life, you can share your problems with psychological counselors on a 1:1 basis and improve your self-understanding and adapt to daily life. 
All the information shared by students during a consultation is confidential within legal and ethical limits. Exceptional circumstances may arise which give the counselor grounds for believing that serious harm may occur to the client or to other people.

Individual Psychological counseling Area
- Self-understanding
- Personal relationships(department life, partner, family, etc.)
- Emotional issues(depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.)
- Career(career path or future career concerns)
- Study stress and Adaptation

Intake interview(Face-to-face) & Psychological Tests(Available language: English, Chinese, Vietnamese)

2. Assign counselor(English or Korean)

3. Individual psychological counseling online or face-to-face(50-minutes per week, up to 10 sessions)
Login to the Graduate school website homepage Support for student growth (학생성장지원) GradGrow (비교과)
Program period
Application period '22. October 27(Thur) ~ November 11(Fri)
Counseling period '22. November 21(Mon) ~ ‘23. February 17(Fri)
- You can participate in up to 10 sessions.
- During online Individual Psychological counseling be sure to access meeting in an independent space with no people around
For inquiries
- kdm0813@jnu.ac.kr

전남대 대학원에서는 외국인 대학원생의 학교생활 적응을 위해 심리상담을 실시합니다.
유학생활 중 혼자서 해결하기 어려운 심리적 상황이 있을 때상담사와 일대일로 나눠보고, 일상생활에 적응해나갈 수 있습니다.

◯ 참여대상: 외국인 일반대학원 석·박사과정
◯ 신청기간: '22. 10. 27.() ~ 11. 11.()
◯ 운영기간: '22. 11. 21.() ~ '23. 2. 17.()

◯ 진행방법
 1. 접수상담 대면 실시(1: 50): 유학생심리건강검사FCPI(검사 언어: 영어, 중국어, 베트남
2. 상담사 배정(영어, 한국어): 개별적으로 일정조율 후 실시
3. 개인심리상담 실시: 비대면/대면(최대 10, 150

◯ 주의사항
- 상담 내용은 비밀보장, ·타해 위험 높을 경우에는 비밀보장이 어려울 수 있음
- 비대면 개인상담 시 신청자는 주변에 사람이 없는 독립된 공간에서 접속 필요

◯ 신청방법
- 온라인 접수, 대학원홈페이지 로그인-학생성장지원-GradGrow(비교과)

◯ 문의: 전남대 대학원혁신본부 학생성공지원팀(062-530-5923), kdm0813@jnu.ac.kr