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Digital Design Workshop

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 9:00 AM ~ Tuesday, November 8, 2022 6:00 PM
  • 주관 전남대학교 공학대학 건축학과
  • 주요내외빈 Pietro Doran /Society's digitalization under construction at the urban scale
  • 장소 전남대학교 공학대학 2/3공학관
  • 대상 교원 ,직원,학생,외부인
  • 문의 0616597330

Event Details:

디지털 건축관련 심포지엄
10:00 AM: Opening remarks by Pr. Kumho Chung
                 Society's digitalization: opportunities and challenges 10:15 AM: Pietro Doran  - FRA - Society's digitalization under  construction at the urban scale
11:00 AM: Pr. J.H. Morin  - UNIGE - Digital Responsibility along  the three dimensions : individual, corporate and   public policy
11:45 PM: Ch. Barde - PARAFE - Digitalization genesis and  interaction with our society
                > Catering service near the conference room
Digitalization impact on architecture field
01:30 PM: Sungwoo An - Junglim Innovation Managing Director)  Digitalization: opportunities and challenges for  architects
02:00 PM: Kyuwhan Lee- MXM Architects & FabLab Managing Director - Robotics in building construction
02:30 PM: Pr. Kyeongsik Kim 3D printing in architecture   > Coffee Break (15min)
Architecture digitalization and Contents creation
03:15 PM: Pr. Jaehoon Bae. Meta-Island project. 03:45 PM: Minghon Lee - Carpenstreet CEO -
                 architecture digitalization and integration in contents'  creation
04:15 PM: PANEL DISCUSSION Guest speakers and Professors 04:45 PM: Q&A SESSION
05:00 PM CLOSING REMARKS Pr. 김준택 L: English 05:15 PM END